Ways to Give

With your support we can transform education across sub-Saharan Africa. We can train teachers to be more effective, help communities understand how their schools should be performing and influence education policy at a national level. Our work gives hope to marginalised communities, helping them become more resilient, escape the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future.

In the past three years alone, Link has trained almost 10,000 teachers and has reached nearly 600,000 children across Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda. Our work improves the futures of people living in some of the most marginalised communities in the world. But we can’t do it alone.

This is long term work and your valuable support can help us continue our mission to make quality education a right for every child.

I support Link because of its commitment to education, gender equality and life chances for children and young people and the opportunities it provides for girls. Without it, many young people would have no hope of education and a better life.

Robin Arnott, Link supporter

Give the gift of hope

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Your regular donation will contribute to lasting, sustainable improvements in education.

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Single Gift

Your gift will support our life-changing work across Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda.

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Leave a gift in your will

Pass on the gift of education to future generations by leaving a gift to Link in your will.

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Payroll giving

Discover tax-free giving that can make your gift go further.

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