It is our responsibility to work in a way that promotes the welfare of all and does no harm. We take a zero tolerance approach to any harm or exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult by our staff, representatives or partners.
Our safeguarding policies and procedures demonstrate accountability to trustees, employees, volunteers and suppliers. We promote an organisational culture that tackles power imbalances and gender inequality and have in place rigorous, anonymous and safe reporting and complaints mechanisms.
The Link team is dedicated to ensuring the experience of the children, vulnerable adults and families that we reach is free from any form of abuse or exploitation.
We operate a safe recruitment process and embed safeguarding principles through all aspects of our programming.
Download our safeguarding policies below.
Link Education staff, volunteers, partners and people we work with can raise a concern or make a complaint to Link Education about something they have experienced or witnessed without fear of retribution.
You can do this through our confidential whistleblowing email: