Results from Malawi

Read our latest report from our girls' education work in Malawi

Our TEAM Girl Malawi project, funded by UKAid’s Girls’ Education Challenge, supports out of school adolescent girls to gain basic literacy and numeracy, and transition into mainstream education, vocational training or employment. Over 5,000 girls were enrolled in the project who face complex barriers to education, including extreme poverty, early marriage and motherhood, household responsibilities, child labour, and disability. In community-based classes these girls learn basic literacy, numeracy and life skills, while Girls’ Clubs impart sexual and reproductive health knowledge, and develop resilience and self-esteem.

At the half-way point in the project, we worked with an external evaluator to produce an in-depth report to help us understand where we had been most effective and where we can adapt to better serve girls in the remaining 18 months of the project. Today, we are pleased to share those results!

The full report is available here, but some of the headline achievements so far include:

  • 88% of girls improved in reading
  • 86% of girls improved in maths
  • 83% of girls showed improved life skills (such as reproductive health knowledge, resilience and HIV prevention)
  • 96% of girls told us that the project had increased access to education

Whilst there is still more to do, we’re thrilled to see such great progress so far. We’ve published a short report that tells more of the story. Download and read the report here.