TEAM Girl Malawi

Transformational Empowerment of Adolescent Marginalised Girls in Malawi

Malawi, 2018-2023, Girls’ Education Challenge; UKAid

TEAM Girl Malawi (Transformational Empowerment of Adolescent Marginalised Girls in Malawi) improved learning and life skills of some of the most marginalised adolescent girls in Malawi by creating community learning centres, building sexual and reproductive health knowledge, strengthening family and community support, improving child protection and education systems, and giving girls and their families skills to earn.

Key facts

reached – 5,250 girls & 1,050 boys
of participants had a disability and 25% were pregnant or a young mother
learning centres in 3 districts: Lilongwe, Mchinji and Dedza
5 partners
ensured a comprehensive approach

For full a summary of the project, see our endline report here.

How we are making a difference

This project balances meeting the urgent needs of girls with addressing the systemic barriers preventing their access to education, particularly those created by gender, disability and power inequalities.

Halfway through the project, we are already seeing great results.

can now read and write compared to national average of 13%
can now use and understand maths
of learners have stronger lifeskills (SEL and SRHR)
of girls ‘agreed a lot’ that their participation in TEAM had improved their future

Impact for communities

  • 94% of households ‘agreed a lot’ that their child’s participation had improved their future
  • 86% of households ‘agreed a lot’ that the Complementary Basic Education (CBE) programme will have lasting positive impacts in the community

Impact for Malawi

  • Supports government’s focus on foundational literacy and numeracy, commitment to provide 12 years of education, and to reach the most marginalised
  • Delivers ‘Great Buys’ and ‘Promising Buys’ as listed in World Bank’s GEEAP framework
  • Demonstrates benefits of a twin-track approach – makes primary schools and non-formal structures more inclusive whilst supporting individuals

Other key impact

  • 366 facilitators applying gender responsive and inclusive methods
  • 2,990 stakeholders using local child protection systems
  • 437 headteachers creating safe and inclusive primary schools
  • 4,789 girls trained in SRHR and SEL
  • 1,378 youth trained in vocational/ entrepreneurship skills
  • Supported the Government to develop an inclusive CBE model for wider use across Malawi
  • 18 CBE facilitators became auxiliary teachers

Key activities

Complementary Basic Education (accelerated non-formal model)

  • With government, adapted the CBE curriculum so it was gender friendly, inclusive and relevant for adolescent youth
  • Trained community-based facilitators in inclusive teaching methodologies
  • In partnership with local communities, manage CBE centres

Ensured leaners with disabilities were included and supported

  • Worked with communities to ensure children with disabilities were identified, could access the learning centres and could participate
  • Developed individual education plans so each learners needs were met
  • Ensured vocational and entrepreneurship activities were relevant for those with disabilities

Engaged the community

  • Supported communities to identify, renovate and manage the learning centres and become active primary school management committee members 
  • Strengthened community structures to ensure learners were safe and protected


Girls and MoE officials found the most valuable [activities] to be reading, writing and numeracy at CBE, vocational training and life skills. MoE officials felt that TEAM was a model worth following. One district official suggested that their own budget would be better spent “to emulate Link.” Another official reported that learning about effective resource allocation “is a continuous process we can learn from TEAM

External evaluation endline report