School Transformation through Enriching Accountability and Resilience - phase 2

Uganda, 2019-2022, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

STEAR II (School Transformation Through Enriching Accountability and Resilience, phase two) aims to create a nationally-replicable model to improve every level of the education system in Uganda.

Key facts

districts – Buliisa, Hoima and Kikuube
invested over three years

How we are making a difference

Working with 100 primary schools in Buliisa, Kikuube and Hoima districts, as well as policy makers and stakeholders at national level, we are undertaking:

  • Finance management training for community members to monitor school spend of their government grant
  • School management training for leaders
  • Advocacy training for community members
  • Sharing best practice from grassroots to ministry level
  • Strengthening local government school support

These activities are designed to help school managers and community members enhance learning in their classrooms. Increased awareness surrounding education policies and rights, alongside advocacy training will enable leaders to demand the resources they need.

At a national level, there will be increased accountability leading to improved schools and children getting the very best education in their local area.

district inspectors in our Scoping Study said improving leadership was top priority for improving schools in Uganda
of schools were not meeting leadership inspection standards at the start of the project
of inspectors and education officers in the Scoping Study said developing teachers’ skills was a top priority
of schools were not meeting teaching and learning inspection standards at the start of the project