Strengthening the Education Inspection System in Rwanda

Rwanda, 2020-2021, UNICEF

Good quality data is imperative to help schools understand their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to make informed changes to improve children’s learning. Effective inspection systems generate data to support school improvement and inform national education planning. In collaboration with Unicef, Link is providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Education to  review and validate  the new national inspection framework in Rwanda.

How we are making a difference

The Link team are applying their expertise and experience gained in Rwanda and neighbouring countries to support the following activities:

  • Reviewing the current inspection system
  • Reviewing new national standards for school performance
  • Developing guidelines for school improvement planning to help every school in the country understand how to use the standards to push for continuous improvement
  • Developing a training package on the revised inspection framework for education inspectors at national and sector levels
  • Validation of the revised inspection framework by senior government stakeholders
  • Creating a ‘roadmap’ for how Rwanda can implement and embed these tools and policies