Technical Assistance to Reinforce GEQIP Ethiopia

Ethiopia, 2019-2023, GEQIP-E; World Bank

The General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (GEQIP-E) programme assists the government of Ethiopia in improving internal efficiency, equitable access and quality in general education. Link delivered activities within TARGET, the technical assistance component of GEQIP-E, which supported improving school leadership.

Key facts

learners reached (270,658 female)
school leaders’ capacity developed (119 female)
School Leader CPD toolkits produced and shared with 9,000 school leaders
cluster supervisors’ capacity strengthened to deliver the toolkits and provide follow-up support

Competency assessment results show that the proportion of school leaders at the level of ‘competent leader’ or above rose from 15% to 74% in just three years

EDT TARGET overview
  • Developed four school leader continuous professional development toolkits with a focus on equity, inclusion and learning
  • Developed school leader capacity to engage school communities to support schools and marginalised learners, increase school resources and improve accountability
  • Trained cluster supervisors to train school leaders and provide mentoring and coaching support
  • Worked in partnership with four Regional Education Bureaus and embedded leadership monitoring and coaching practices at regional level
  • Empowered school leaders to select training content relevant to their needs, and keep a portfolio of progress and learning
I learned a lot from the four toolkits, for example, Toolkit 1 helped me on how to lead meetings; from Toolkit 2, I have got the necessary skills and knowledge on how to bring the community into school issues; Toolkit 3 enabled me to enrol, identify and support pupils who have special educational needs and or disabilities; Toolkit 4 helped me support teachers to improve the teaching learning process.
School leader at primary level