Coaching & mentoring in schools

The Link Education Ethiopia team share the strategy to unlock instructional improvement for teachers' performance through the coaching and mentoring programme

Our strategy to unlock instructional improvement

Coaching and mentoring is a key component of Link Education’s work in Ethiopia. It is a structured process that enables the development of teaching practice in a supportive and continuous way. It aims to better equip and support teachers, school leaders, and government cluster supervisors with the knowledge and skills necessary for classroom success.

  • Phase 1 – Training: strengthens the skills of supervisors and school leaders in how to effectively first coach and then mentor teachers to improve classroom practice and transform the teaching and learning process.
  • Phase 2 – Coaching and mentoring in practice: this puts the training into practice and uses observation tools and feedback mechanisms to support teachers. Pre-observation, while-observation and post-observation activities are enacted by both the coach and the mentee.
  • Phase 3 – Showcase: this presents the students’ learning outcomes, e.g. progress in literacy and numeracy, as well as the teachers’ classroom practice through evidence-based discussions and reports.

In a recent survey, a higher number of respondents rated the coaching and mentoring program as strongly agree (54.2%) and agree (25.4%) for its relevance in developing teacher’s knowledge and skills. One of the supervisors mentioned that, “the coaching and mentoring program raised our awareness and improved our know-how of the practical elements of teaching. It helped us look at our overall approach to the supervision style and feedback provision. In the courses of repeated practice, finally, it became our best strategy to unlock instructional mysteries.”

A member of the district education team revealed that, “we believe the program has significantly impacted our teachers’ growth and performance. Working in our school is something that takes time to master, given all the new teachers have to learn about our school. The program creates opportunities for discussion, support and growth that were not possible before.”

Written by Tamirat Gibon, Link Education Ethiopia Education Specialist