Reaching Our Goals

Link Education Malawi share the great impact of using sport to improve learning and independent life skills in schools

Celebrating success!

Reaching Our Goals (ROG) was a complementary programme to Link’s  TEAM Girl Malawi Project. It used sport to drive change and enhance students’ social and emotional learning.

The participants were selected based on the many barriers they face to access or continue their education. These include, among others, pregnancy, marriage and disability.  The TEAM project supported learners to complete an accelerated learning programme and transition into mainstream education, vocational training and employment. 

Through the netball-based ROG programme, girls were empowered to make their own choices. The activities, along with the class learning, strengthened the girls’ self-esteem and improved their knowledge on sexual reproductive health and family planning. It particularly enhanced the understanding of gender norms, gender-based violence and how to safely negotiate gender roles in their households and wider community.

Upon completing the ROG programme, 25 learners were able to enrol in regular primary school, 85 learners were trained in soymilk production and received starting kits, and 50 learners were trained in drip irrigation and received kits. Furthermore, 103 girls and boys were trained in soap making and also linked to village savings’ groups.

Rachel, a 17-year-old participant, tells us how Reaching our Goals transformed her life. After leaving school at an early age for marriage, she joined the project. Rachel says:

“I never used to have any business skill but through this program; I learnt how to make soap on my own.  I am confident that, with the skills I have gained; I will be able to establish a very big business which will be a great source of income to my family.”

After the project, several learners formed a village savings’ and loan group and started a soap-making business. Currently, Rachel serves as one of the leaders of the group demonstrating her confidence and new leadership skills.

Written by Rebecca Hami, Link Education Malawi Programme Assistant