Realising Inclusive and Safe Education

Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda; 2024-2029, Scottish Government

The RISE project will strengthen government support for children with disabilities, especially girls, and ensure these children are able to access a safe and quality education. Project partners will support identification, assessment and device provision for children with disabilities, will strengthen teacher and leadership training in gender and inclusive education, and will engage communities and school governance bodies to better support children with disabilities.

Scottish Government launches the RISE Project

Key facts

districts in three countries – Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia
invested over five years
government schools participating

Key activities

  • Co-designing project interventions with local communities and stakeholders to ensure targeted project activities that meet the greatest local needs
  • Identifying and supporting learners through the provision of assistive devices and links to medical help and social services
  • Teacher and school leader professional development, including customised materials and support for local trainers to lead sessions at primary and secondary level
  • Inclusive education training and community sensitisation for School Management Committees, parents, school leaders and district education authorities
  • Training for schools in creating evidence-based, participatory and accessible improvement plans with a gender and disability lens, feeding data to the national level
  • Consulting with Ministries of Education to ensure gender and inclusion are prominent agendas within national education standards

I am able to read and write with support from the TEAM project. Thanks to the teachers who believed in me that any learner can do it despite any form of disability. I want to be a teacher when I finish school

Previous Link project graduate