Launching the KIX-IDRC project in Uganda

Last week, Link Uganda hosted an event to launch our research project, “Scaling-up Innovative Gender, Inclusion and Safeguarding Approaches:  Evidence from Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia”. The project is supported by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada. This event on Thursday 11 July marks a major milestone in the KIX project.

The launch was attended by important stakeholders, including several commissioners from the Ministry of Education and Sport, key among them the commissioners for special needs education, policy analysis and research, basic education, and planning. Also in attendance were District Education Officers, Civil Society Organisations from the region, academics and headteachers of project schools.

The event started with a keynote speech from our Chief Guest, Mrs. Frances Atima, Director of Standards at the Ministry and Chair of the Link Uganda Board. This was followed by live demonstrations of the project’s Theory of Change, and interactive sessions on what scale up looks like. Attendees also shared their experience on key aspects of the successful scale up of Link’s School Transformation through Enriching Accountability and Resilience (STEAR) project.

The launch was a huge success, with positive feedback pouring in from all corners. The Link Uganda team would like to thank our colleagues from Malawi and the UK who also attended and contributed to the event’s success.